
CHET !!!

oh and i bet youve never seen this art from mr childress (o.a.k)

Chet Childress - Back Wash from Black Label Skateboards on Vimeo.

finally a cool pro? a ripper? OH DAMN RIGHT
and go here for interview ish



Brewing The Perfect Cup of Java

Making a delicious cup of coffee is not a magical experience or a hit-and-miss stroke of luck. With the proper information, anyone can brew a consistently great cup of coffee every time. We will be going through the procedures of coffee making to take the mystery and haphazardness out of this old world beverage.

First, let me say these procedures may look lengthy and intimating. Truly they are really quite logical and common sense steps that are very simple to follow. But be advised, if you do not take your coffee making and drinking experience seriously and therefore choose to not follow these steps, you are not getting the best cup of coffee that your money can buy. The choice is up to you.

i thought this was cute