

since the heightened popularity of videos is among us, i think that FUCKBITCHS should have a movie/video/parts/bigmontages. so it is agreed.
2 months it will be out. if you would like footage in it please send to fbmm138@yahoo.com.
NO GREENVILLE FOOTAGE, NO FOOTAGE FROM OTHER TOWNS just felt like sayin it ha but i will put it in the video anyway HAHA
so do it, 2 months with or without you it will be done
also NEW montage in DAY or 2
sponsored by BackDoor, YourJerry, FuckBitchs,BIGMoni, SKullKandy, GermJizz Energydrink, SafetyMeetings, Jews, the little asians that cant drive, Spontaneous laughter, and that guy that smokes everyone elses cigarettes

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